With its added mechanics, this is by far the best Neptunia spinoff, but that doesn’t absolve it of tedious and repetitive progression.Fresh off of a pretty celebrated and hot port, the eShop is bringing us more re-releases. Neptunia X Senran Kagura: Ninja Wars is a delightful crossover boasting an engaging narrative, heartwarming character interactions, and a steller localization.
I play enough serious games that require deep analysis, this kind of thing is my ideal break time between them. You can’t help but think that both properties could have grown to become more than this, but taking as it is, it’s still entertaining nonsense, with a heavy emphasis on the “entertaining”.
There is a couple of side content mini-game for you to discover the peaches and cream meditation mini-game for example can give your ninjas much needed extra stat boosts during battle, or take on the post-game content of the Yomi-training mode where you battle through eight different trials which have their own unique set of rules and restrictions. Ninjas have a unique set of skills known as the ninja arts chain them together in order to beat your enemies to dust, sometimes they are also armed with rained projectile weapons that can either give enemies temporary status ailments like slowing down enemies or deal damage to them outright. Meet two new characters that you have never seen before for both franchises Yuuki and Goh, who will be joining you pretty early on as well as two other established characters in the franchise, switch between all of them in the heat of battle to get the best use out of them. But unbeknownst to them, a new threat is bubbling up to the surface that will shake the very foundations of the continent forcing them to work together. As the tensions between the continents, two great nations flare up each of them calls upon a major school of martial arts to aid them the Compa Style has mastered the command technique and the Honypa Style has mastered the action technique. Neptunia x SENRAN KAGURA: Ninja Wars is a hack and slash action RPG crossover game between the Neptunia and Senran Kagura franchise where you choose and pair up to 10 unique characters and slice through hordes of enemies made in collaboration between Idea Factory, Compile Heart, and Tamsoft.
Native Yokai also roams these lands to protect the citizenry each nation deploys ninjas on the battlefield to be their main fighting force. Gamninjustri is a warring world full of rivals, where nations big or small compete with one another for supremacy.